
Course Description


This course will begin with a brief study of the origins of Anti-Semitism historically. This will be followed by presenting the most obvious causes of the alarming rise of Anti-Semitism in recent years. We will discuss whether Anti-Zionism is equal to Anti-Semitism. We will Field Trip to Legacy Congregation B’nai Israel on Kleinert Avenue (now Unified Jewish Community of Baton Rouge,) Guest speakers will include the Director of the Louisiana Anti-Defamation League.

Required Supplies: The Casualty of Contempt - The Alarming Rise of Anti- Semitism and What Can Be Done to Stop It a Collection of Essays and Stories Edited
by Aaron David Fruh (Deep River Books, 2020). Antisemitism Here and Now by Deborah E. Lipstadt, Shocken Books, New York

Optional Supplies: Basic Judaism by Milton Steinberg- Amazon



Instructor: Rabbi Barry Weinstein



For more information about this course, contact: OLLI at LSU at 225-578-6763.
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English Proficiency Requirements

Continuing Education Programs

Continuing Education (CE) courses and programs offered online through LSU Online & Continuing Education typically include a combination of lecture and discussion as well as reading and writing assignments. You need an adequate command of English in all skill areas (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) to participate in classes.

If English is not your native language, you must meet one of the English language proficiency requirements below to be successful in our CE programs. If you intend to register for a CE course or program, you can determine whether you meet English proficiency requirements by self-assessment prior to enrolling. We want to empower you, the learner, to progress successfully. Completing this self-assessment will enable you to make a good decision on whether you can complete one of our programs.

Intermediate English Skills

Most CE professional development courses and programs require at least intermediate English skills, which are equivalent to a B2 level of English language proficiency on the Self-Assessment Form. When assessing yourself, be sure to read through each of the categories under Column B2 to make sure you meet proficiency requirements.

Advanced English Skills

Online Distance Learning courses and microcreds are for-credit courses and might require more advanced English skills, equivalent to a C1 level on the Learner Self-Assessment Form. Be sure to read through each of the categories under Column C1 to make sure you meet proficiency requirements.

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