
Course Description

This free preview is self-paced. Explore the differences between groups and teams and the individual inputs that contribute to designing an effective team. This online course also describes the various emergent states that occur when people work together, which can include team identity, conflict, and social loafing. Finally, the course will dive into the differences between organizational culture and climate, and how you—as a manager—can impact the social context on team effectiveness.

Module 1: The initial design of an effective team
  • Define the term team
  • Match the three types of team tasks with their requirements for effectiveness
  • Identify the key individual differences central to building effective teams
  • Identify the key job design and structural elements central to developing effective teams
  • Describe how you would engage in the recruitment and selection process to build a more effective team

This course is a part of the Online Management and Leadership Series MicroCert. Courses are open to all participants, not just those pursuing the certificate program.

For more information about this course, email Answers or call 833-280-5634.

This is a noncredit self-paced course.

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Section Title
How to Build Effective Teams
Section Schedule
Online self-paced
Course Fee(s)
POGF3 non-credit $0.00
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