ME1579 - Excel Advanced Skills
Course Description

This course is designed for the learner who already has a solid understanding of Excel's basic tools and functions. The course teaches learners some of the more advanced skills and features available in Excel, which may be useful in data analysis. These skills include style templates, conditional formatting, data validation, data manipulation, and pivot tables.
How Will I Learn
This online course provides a mobile-friendly interface with audio-enabled lessons, allowing easy access to video content, real-world case studies, and interactive games & flashcards. Also included is an "Ask the Expert" feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible and usually within 24 hours.
This course does not require any additional purchases of supplementary materials. Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to meet the minimum successful completion requirement and qualify to receive IACET CEUs. Learners will have three attempts at all graded assessments.
What You Will Learn
Excel Advanced Skills
- Employ built-in cell style templates, or produce a custom one, to streamline the data entry process
- Create a drop-down list to restrict data entry values
- Utilize the Conditional formatting feature to apply formats to a cell or a range of cells based on specific criteria
- Organize worksheet data using the Group Function
- Use the Consolidation Function to combine data from several worksheets into one
- Differentiate between and discern when to use a relative or an absolute reference in a formula
- Change the orientation of an array of data using the Transpose function
- Use the Advanced filter Extract data from a data set based on complex criteria using the Advanced Filter tool
- Analyze data using Pivot Tables
- Calculate data across several worksheets with the same structure using a 3D reference
- Perform partial searches when filtering or analyzing data using wildcard characters
Refund Policy
You may request a refund up to 7 days from the purchase date. The registration fee will only be refunded if less than 10% of the course has been completed. Completion percentage can be viewed on the Course Progress page from within the course.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Computer Skills for the Office Certificate : Computer Skills for the Office Certificate
English Proficiency Requirements
Continuing Education Programs
Continuing Education (CE) courses and programs offered online through LSU Online & Continuing Education typically include a combination of lecture and discussion as well as reading and writing assignments. You need an adequate command of English in all skill areas (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) to participate in classes.
If English is not your native language, you must meet one of the English language proficiency requirements below to be successful in our CE programs. If you intend to register for a CE course or program, you can determine whether you meet English proficiency requirements by self-assessment prior to enrolling. We want to empower you, the learner, to progress successfully. Completing this self-assessment will enable you to make a good decision on whether you can complete one of our programs.
Intermediate English Skills
Most CE professional development courses and programs require at least intermediate English skills, which are equivalent to a B2 level of English language proficiency on the Self-Assessment Form. When assessing yourself, be sure to read through each of the categories under Column B2 to make sure you meet proficiency requirements.
Advanced English Skills
Online Distance Learning courses and microcreds are for-credit courses and might require more advanced English skills, equivalent to a C1 level on the Learner Self-Assessment Form. Be sure to read through each of the categories under Column C1 to make sure you meet proficiency requirements.